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Gina Maria

Week 2: Food For The Soul Challenge Nutrition and Workout Tips

We are headed into Week 2 of Our Food For The Soul Challenge! We hope you are enjoying this. If you haven’t registered yet be so to do so HERE. When walking or running we encourage you to log your miles in the Racery app so we can cheer each other on. Please take photos of your healthy meals & workouts and post on social media so we can encourage one another and grow a movement in helping our neighbors throughout DFW. Be sure to tag Food For The Soul on Instagram at @FoodForTheSoul or on Facebook at Food For The Soul with the hashtag #FFTS.

Week 2 Challenges: Small Increases, Big Results

  • Add 10 additional minutes onto your workout this week

  • Try to replace your breakfast with a green, pea protein smoothie; check out this neat recipe HERE.

  • Speed up your walking or running pace or add intervals

  • Try to at least 2 times this week to eat a dinner full of veggies and good quality protein with no carbohydrates

Below is taken from a previous health blog I wrote. Thought I would include it in Week 2’s challenge blog in an effort to encourage us all to make positive food and activity changes. If you are registered for our challenge you can contact our nutrition specialist and trainer up to 3 times per week throughout the challenge to receive support.

When I read the bible, I can’t help but take note of the food and health practices that are recorded, and see the correlation in some of most touted health practices today. Several “modern-day” health practices really stood out to me.

  1. Abraham meditated

  2. Daniel and Mordecai fasted

  3. Moses, John The Baptist & Jesus spent much time in the wilderness

However, the goals of these endeavors were not in an effort to lose weight, appease self or worship nature but rather these “health” practices were designed to get us closer to our Creator and it just so happens to be that they yield some pretty awesome health benefits.

Foods That Stand Out in The Bible:


Throughout Old and New testament fish was consumed. Peter, one of most notable apostles was a fisherman. Fish is packed with omega-3s. It is also packed with calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium as well as Vitamin D.


The Book of Daniel is one of my favorite books! Daniel both fasted and had a meal plan that was based on vegetables. No doubt about it, we cannot get enough of our vegetables and all the nutrients that are packed in them. However, Daniel’s fasting and strict vegetable intake was both to rely and display God’s mighty strength in place of his own physical strength. So be sure to throw in a little fish, chicken or lamb with your veggies when you aren’t fasting!


Oh I love lamb and it is mentioned plenty throughout the bible! It is packed with protein, B12, zinc among many more nutrients and mentioned quite a bit in the bile as well.

Olive Oil & Olive

One of the great things about olive oil is that regular consumption can aid in heart and joint health. It does have some anti-aging properties as well. Olive oil was a staple in celebrations and feasts as well.

Goat Milk

I love Dairy but in the US sometimes the dairy products aren’t exactly up to par with health standards. Fortunately, goat milk and goat cheese can provide a great alternative and it is one that the ancients definitely enjoyed as well.

Sprouted Bread

Sprouted bread is actually healthier than regular bread. The grains and legumes are sprouted making this bread more digestible.

Raw Honey

Research has shown raw honey packs a host of antioxidants. Honey gets 26 shout-outs in the bible as a matter of fact. Since moving to Texas, I started taking a small spoonful when my allergies act up.


Various fruits are full of antioxidants. One of my favorite bible verses not only mentions fruit but some other great items that made the list.

"For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing out in the valleys and hills, 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey," (Deuteronomy 8:7-8)

Spices and Herbs:

The bible has an array of spices mentioned throughout such as: balm, cinnamon, lettuce, horehound, tansy, horseradish, endive, coriander seeds, cumin, garlic, saffron, and mint. The spices and herbs are packed with antioxidants and were used for medicinal purposes as well. Antioxidants help aid in post workout recovery. So bring on the flavor!


Flaxseed oil may have been all the rage a few year ago but it’s actually been around since biblical times. Research has it linked to fighting cancer, lung disease and heart disease.

Fermented Grapes

Cheers to Jesus’s first miracle, wine, which is the fabulous by-product of fermented grapes. Wine and fermented grapes are packed with antioxidants.

Oils Noted in The The Bible







So if you are seeking some new approaches to improve your health, a book written thousands of years ago serves as a great resource that will do more for you than you could ever imagine.

Whether you eat, drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

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